

Each and every person, regardless of their military or civilian status, desiring access to the Fort Bliss Training Center (FBTC) for recreational and/or hunting purposes, must first obtain a Fort Bliss Access Permit.

Every hunter, including adult(s) supervising a youth hunter, acquiring a Fort Bliss Access Permit validated for hunting will need to obtain an official-stamped Fort Bliss Firearms Registration form.  Submit a completed copy of the Fort Bliss Firearms Registration form to the Buffalo Soldier VCC in order to obtain a stamped firearms permit.  CLICK HERE for the Firearms Registration/Background Check form.

Recreation-only users and hunt party members will need to submit a Fort Bliss Firearms Registration Form for the purposes of a background check, instructions below.


** Do NOT take your firearms into the VCC when submitting Firearms Registration form **


All licensed hunters, regardless of age, and adults supervising youth hunters, who acquire a Fort Bliss Hunting Access Permit must have proof of passing a state-certified hunter safety course and will be required to carry such proof while accessing Fort Bliss including McGregor Range.


Permits Type of Recreation Requirements Available
Recreation (Non-Hunting) Hiking, Biking, Scouting, Bird Watching, etc. Safety Briefing Quiz; Firearms Registration Form April 1st - March 31st
Hunting & Recreation Big and Small Game Hunting, and all recreational activities Safety Briefing Quiz; Firearms Registration Form April 1st - March 31st
Youth (17 years and younger) Big and Small Game Hunting, and all recreational activities Safety Briefing Quiz April 1st - March 31st


Safety Briefing Videos can be found by logging into your profile.



 Available Fort Bliss Access Permits:  All permits are valid for up to one (1) year expiring on 31 March of every year. 

Hunting & Recreation Access Permit-

The Fort Bliss Access Permit validated for hunting is available for all adults (18 years of age or older) who wish to participate during scheduled big game hunts, shotgun-only recreational small game or non-game hunting and any recreational activity.  Adults who are supervising a youth hunter are required to acquire a hunting permit. Requirements to acquire this access permit includes completing the Fort Bliss Firearms Registration form and the Fort Bliss Hunter and Range Safety Brief.  The Firearms Registration form must be submitted to a Fort Bliss Visitor Control Center (VCC) for processing. 

Access permit holders who are participating in a hunting activity on Fort Bliss must always carry with them proof of completing a state-certified hunter safety course and a valid state hunting license issued by the appropriate state hunting department ( New Mexico Department of Game & Fish [NMDGF] or Texas Parks and Wildlife Department [TPWD] ).  Holders of this permit will be subject to random spot checks by the Fort Bliss or State Game Wardens while accessing Fort Bliss for the purpose of a hunting activity.

Recreation Access Permit-

The Fort Bliss Access Permit validated for recreation is available to all adults (18 years of age or older) who wish to participate in any recreational activity.  Recreational activities include biking, bird watching, camping, hiking, horseback riding and scouting.  Requirements to acquire this access permit includes completing the Fort Bliss Firearms Registration form and viewing the Fort Bliss Hunter and Range Safety Brief.  The Firearms Registration form, leaving the firearms information blank, must be submitted to a Fort Bliss Visitor Control Center (VCC) for background check processing.

Youth Hunting & Recreation Access Permit-

The Fort Bliss Access permit validated for youths is available to all minors (17 years of age or younger) who wish to participate during any hunting or recreational activity.  Requirements to acquire this access permit includes viewing the Fort Bliss Hunter & Range Safety Brief.  Holders of this permit are restricted from checking in through their own accounts.  Youth Access Permit holders can only check-in to an activity or area(s) through the account of an adult hunting or recreation permit holder using the “additional participants” option during the check-in process.

Youth access permit holders who are participating in a hunting activity on Fort Bliss can only check-in through the account of a hunting permit holder AND must always carry with them proof of completing a state-certified hunter safety course and a valid state hunting license issued by the appropriate state hunting department ( New Mexico Department of Game & Fish [NMDGF] or Texas Parks and Wildlife Department [TPWD] ).  Holders of this permit will be subject to random spot checks by the Fort Bliss or State Game Wardens while accessing Fort Bliss for the purpose of a hunting activity.       


Steps to obtain a Fort Bliss Access Permit:


Step 1:   Create Your Fort Bliss iSportsman Account / Login to Your Account

If you do not already have a Fort Bliss iSportsman account then register in iSportsman by clicking on "New Users Registration". Enter your information and complete registration.



Step 2:   Review the Fort Bliss Hunter and Range Safety Brief

Log into your iSportsman account. Under the “My Safety Briefs” tab, click on Hunter and Range Safety Briefing. Watch the video and answer the quiz questions.

Step 3:   Obtain VCC Recreation or VCC Hunting Validation

All adult (18 years of age and older) recreational users and hunting users must submit a typed Firearms Registration form to the Fort Bliss Visitor Control Center (VCC), regardless of whether the user is registering a firearm. The form is used to perform a background check on each adult and register the firearms to be used by each hunter.

Youth (17 years of age and younger) recreational and hunting users do not need to submit a Firearms Registration form. The weapons to be used by youth hunters must be registered by their adult guardian, submitted to the VCC on the guardian's Firearms Registration form. 

Click here for the Fort Bliss Firearms Registration form: 

Instructions for filling out the Fort Bliss Firearms Registration form:

  1. Make sure the "iSportsman Validation (Hunting or Recreation)" box is checked.

  2. Fill out the Personal Information section.

    • Civilians: Enter "CIV" into box 4 and "Off-Post Quarters" in box 6. Leave box 8 blank.

  3. If registering firearm/s for hunting, fill out the Firearms Information section with serial #, type, etc.  Bows for archery hunting do not need to be listed; however, make sure to include in your email that you are requesting a hunting validation for archery.

    • Recreational only (non-hunting) users leave this section blank.

  4. Fill out boxes 10-12 and sign in box 13. You may sign digitally or print out the form (filled out in type) and hand sign.

  5. Unit Commander's Action section

    • Military members: All service members regardless of branch/installation must have section 14 of the Firearms Registration Form signed by their commander. A unit commander's signature is required for all service members who have a rank of E-7 or below. Those who are enlisted E-8s and above, Officers, or Warrant Officers self-certify by signing block 13 and 23 and do not need a unit commander's signature.

    • Civilians: leave section 14 blank

  6. Type name on page 2 box 22 and sign in box 23. You may sign digitally or print out the form (filled out in type) and hand sign.


Submitting the Fort Bliss Firearms Registration Form:




Once the VCC has processed your form, they will send back an email with your firearms registration. At this point they will add the VCC Validation to your iSportsman account. Allow up to one week for the VCC to process your request. 


Direct all questions regarding the email delivery of this form to the Buffalo Soldier Visitor Control Center (VCC) by calling (915) 741-5251.  

Firearms Registration Forms will only be processed weekdays during the hours of 0500-2100


Step 4:   Purchase Desired Access Permits

Once you have both the Safety Briefing Validation and the VCC Validation you may purchase a Fort Bliss Access Permit. Youth users only need the Safety Briefing Validation. Click on “Available Permits” on the homepage of your iSportsman account.  Add permit(s) to the shopping cart and purchase permits (no cost at this time).  After successfully purchasing permits, your permit #, a list of active permits, and the option to “Print Permit” will all appear at the bottom of the homepage of your iSportsman account. 

Fort Bliss Access Permits are valid for up to one (1) year, as long as all validations remain active. Access Permits expire on 31 March of each year.